Should the wildebeest and other prey become extinct, the lions would surely starve. The only thing that keeps human beings alive is our ability to reason. But they have a point. Our government is subject to the miscalculations of pedantic self-serving attorneys and third generation millionaires who masquerade as the common man. America’s beloved democracy, marketed to the world as the penicillin for tyranny, is obviously broken.
The choices we make determine our fate, and to relinquish that ability to think is to choose the alternative of life. We can’t help but trust, and perhaps pray, that those intransigent heroes of the latest Pyrrhic victory have thought this thing through. Otherwise, they may ultimately suffer the indignities of progress, as will the rest of us who disagree with their methods.
The Tea Party has filled a void by demanding change and imposing the will of the people on Congress. Even as we approached the debt ceiling deadline, their representatives refused to abandon the principles of the voters who had sent them to Washington, and in the process, confused a well-rehearsed establishment accustomed to back room deals and empty campaign rhetoric.